Froy: The Single Guy

sábado, septiembre 24, 2005

Friendship not love

Some ofmy friends were thinking that I was inloved with one of my friends, I think she's nice, pretty, a great person, and of course the two main requisites, interesting and real. I think this things make a woman a great prospective, but she's my friend, and even when we joke each other saying "darling", "honey" and things like that, we feel a great friendship by the other one, nothing surreal, nothing out from reality, nothing covered, I love her but just like friend, I really admire her but we couldn't have somenthing more than a friendship. Our common friends think I like she but the reality is other very different, I think I shouldn't demonstrate too much "love" for my "wife" hahahahaha, so funny, but I think they try to get us together because they don't appreciate we can say too much or anything to her boyfriend, most of them believe he doesn't deserve a woman like she is, in the other hand I suppose he must have some'n that makes him attractive to her, what? I don't know I really don't know but anyway I don't care it's their bussines not mine, despite my friend is very discrete with her issues, so this is a funny short story but true.

Se han atevido a decir lo que piensan:
Google's 'Remove Results' Reviewed
Matt Cutts discusses on his blog a recent user-interface experiment on Google that adds the ability to remove results.
Nice to see some decent content for a change. FYI, I log on today and see that we've got a new feature, the 'Flag blog' button, which is inconveniently located between the 'Get Your Own Blog' and 'Next Blog' buttons so that we would presumably be getting some flags on error alone (although if one happens to notice it, you can unflag a blog) But that's a trivial matter. What concerns me is this: When a person visiting a blog clicks the "Flag?" button in the Blogger Navbar, it means they believe the content of the blog may be potentially offensive or illegal. We track the number of times a blog has been flagged as objectionable and use this information to determine what action is needed. This feature allows the blogging community as a whole to identify content they deem objectionable. Ok, see the problem with this? What's "objectionable." I'm guessing there are a good deal of people that would likely deem my blog to be objectionable; and there lies the problem: what is objectionable and what is subjective. Just my 2 cents, 30 Day Contact Lenses
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